Video: Rungs In A Ladder: Jacob Bannon of Converge

Jacob Bannon of Converge

Jacob Bannon of Converge

If you’re in anyway a passionate fan of any kind of art you’ll probably enjoy this. If you’re one of those people who push themselves for the art that makes them burn inside, whether it’s purely as a passion or a jump at a career then you NEED to watch this. It’s inspiring stuff and all it does is ram home just why I’ve always found Bannon such an inspiring figure.

Rungs in a Ladder is a short, but incredible, documentary by McFarland and Pecci about Converge frontman, owner of Deathwish, martial artist, fine arts graduate and design artist Jacob Bannon. It’s a pretty powerful, and equally a down to earth, insight into Bannon’s history and his drive. I can’t do much more for it with words so just watch it and see for yourself.

Click here to ‘like’ Jacob Bannon on Facebook.
